There are so many things, which you have to keep in mind while constructing your own house. Installing a power pole is one of the important things. Power companies do often power pole installations. They sell you the poles and wires and do Power Pole Installations for you. However if you are looking out for a less expensive step, we have an option for you. Get the right equipment and you can set your own utility poles. You will require spray paint, utility pole and tractor mounted auger drill.
These are the steps:
•Locate where you have to do your power pole installations. Mark that point with your spray paints.
•Later you have to determine the size of your pole and depth of the hole. The diameter of the hole should be minimum eight inches larger than the diameter of the pole. The depth should be close to 10% of the length of the pole plus add two feet more. For example if you have a pole of 20 feet length, you will have to drill a hole of four feet depth.
•Now with the right sized auger driller locate the auger just above the marked area.
•Now slowly lower the auger into the soil on the marked area. You have to engage the power of the tractor. You will have to bend the tractor forward so that the auger bores deep into the soil.
•Later measure the depth of the hole; be sure about the depth.
•You must also keep in mind that how high you can reach with the front-end loader on your tractor.
•Now you will have to attach a long chain almost 3/8 inch long chain to the pole.
•The chain is now attached to the loader and later pole is slowly raised. You will have to move the pole from horizontal position to vertical position.
•Carefully lower the pole into the hole.
•Shovel some mud at the base of the pole. Pack this loose mud carefully to keep the pole intact. Continue this until the pole is perfectly straight.
These are some easy ways to carry out your power pole installation process.
These are the steps:
•Locate where you have to do your power pole installations. Mark that point with your spray paints.
•Later you have to determine the size of your pole and depth of the hole. The diameter of the hole should be minimum eight inches larger than the diameter of the pole. The depth should be close to 10% of the length of the pole plus add two feet more. For example if you have a pole of 20 feet length, you will have to drill a hole of four feet depth.
•Now with the right sized auger driller locate the auger just above the marked area.
•Now slowly lower the auger into the soil on the marked area. You have to engage the power of the tractor. You will have to bend the tractor forward so that the auger bores deep into the soil.
•Later measure the depth of the hole; be sure about the depth.
•You must also keep in mind that how high you can reach with the front-end loader on your tractor.
•Now you will have to attach a long chain almost 3/8 inch long chain to the pole.
•The chain is now attached to the loader and later pole is slowly raised. You will have to move the pole from horizontal position to vertical position.
•Carefully lower the pole into the hole.
•Shovel some mud at the base of the pole. Pack this loose mud carefully to keep the pole intact. Continue this until the pole is perfectly straight.
These are some easy ways to carry out your power pole installation process.
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